Social Media Management

An Overview

The Certificate in Social Media Management prepares you with the tools needed to plan, execute, and assess a comprehensive and effective social media campaign. Through a combination of case study analyses, lectures, projects, and simulations, you’ll master the art of crafting an authentic and effective voice for your organisation and community.

Our faculty comprises seasoned industry experts and social media practitioners, who bring real-world experience and expertise directly into the classroom. By the end of the program, you’ll understand how to create a compelling social media presence that engages audiences and drives impact.

Audience: Career Beginners, Mid-level professionals and Senior Executives

Duration: 2 weeks

Upon successful completion of the certificate, you’ll be able to:

  • Navigate leading social media platforms
  • Develop comprehensive social media strategies
  • Implement social media campaigns
  • Build cross-platform communication plans
  • Create compelling content for social media channels
  • Measure and calculate ROI for social media efforts

The course is designed for;

– Business Managers and executives

– Students in vacation/holiday

– Students from other courses outside the computing and information technology industry

– Corporate Secretaries looking to upgrade their skill sets

– Among others

course modules;

+ Writing for Social Media

+ Social Media Strategies & Tactics

+ Strategic Communication Planning

+ Social Media Policies and Procedures

+ Social Media Impact & Return on Investment Measurement