Our Students

Why Study with Us?

Billbrain Institute of Technology (BIT) is a fully registered training Institute with focus on training and imparting practical skills for the digital era.

We offer a wide range of courses, including, but not limited to; (see list of courses here).

With a flexible learning approach, we focus on recruiting and training IT career beginners, students from other study backgrounds, business executives, practicing corporates, vacists and holiday makers.

Our courses are custom-tailored to find use within the marketplace and to adequately equip and position the learner in the digital world.

We have an eye for quality and aim to achieve this in all our works. We have a team of experienced and highly qualified professionals who deliver our training.

Our Students

Student Life at BIT

Our students enjoy a wholistic experience at BIT, including academics, various sports, entertainment, and participation in clubs.

Our Students

Student Mentorship

Our student mentorship program involves each student being assigned to at least one practicing expert at Billbrain Technologies’ Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Centre, and our other industry partners in the course of undertaking their study.We invite expressions of interest from any size business, from start-ups to multinationals. The time commitment required from hosts is 10–15 hours over the course of each student’s study period.

If you are interested in offering mentoring opportunities with your company, email: mentorship@bit.ac.ug

Our Students


We work with host organisations to provide internships for our students; to assist with IT focused projects or to explore potential trainee employees. These

We also host some of our own students within the mother company; Billbrain Technologies’ Business Process Outsourcing (ITES BPO) Centre.

These internships are meant to give students a practical industry experience with the skills they are acquiring.

We welcome proposals for intern placements from any size business, from start-ups to multinationals.Â