What we aspire to

Our Moto, Vision, and Mission

We are guided by our aspirations and a genuine desire to have a positive impact on the education and future of those we serve. Below is our moto, vision and mission.

Our Moto

“Skilling for today and tomorrow..”

Our Mission

To offer cutting-edge training that meets Africa’s marketplace demand thereby propelling the growing digital economy.

Our Vision

To be the leading trainer of practical technology led and enabled courses in Sub-Saharan Africa.

What we believe in

Our Values

Built on the vision that education serves as a keystone in improving society and building better futures for all, we commit to our core values of:

  • Excellence

We strive for excellence in all our academic pursuits. We are committed to innovation in our teaching, research, and outreach to our communities. We commit to continuous self-improvement to achieve excellence in all our endeavors.

  • Ethics and Dignity

We are committed to the highest standards of honesty, fairness, respect, and professional and scholarly ethics. We value the dignity and worth of all people. We expect all of our conduct to be based on integrity, mutual respect, and civility, and that conduct is driven by the highest ethical standards.

  • Diversity

We embrace all aspects of human diversity and value its necessity to ensure a vibrant learning community. We are committed to providing a college community that is supportive, safe, and welcoming. We are committed to ensuring intercultural and international diversity in our curriculum and our people.

  • Student Focus

We are committed to fostering the professional and personal growth of all students and our fellow colleagues by promoting lifelong learning and leadership development. These interests are the primary focus of Institute decisions and activities.

  • Collaboration and Innovation

We commit to collaborative working with partners and stakeholders, and harnessing the power of innovation to improve education and the quality of life for all.