Projects / Community Outreach

MoICT – NIISP – Agro Value-Chain Digitisation

With grant support from the Ministry of ICT & National Guidance – National ICT Initiatives Support Programme (NIISP), Billbrain Institute of Technology has developed a Digital Agro Value Chain Management (Agro-VCM) Mobile Application that enables easy interaction between agricultural value chain sector players i.e. Farmers, Agro-Input Suppliers, Agricultural financiers, Collection Centers and Agricultural Produce Consumers/processors to interact together, thereby facilitating easy marketing and trade amongst themselves by facilitating the way different stakeholders interact and access information about the agro-trade cycle.
The project is funded by the Uganda Ministry of ICT and National Guidance under it’s National ICT Innovations Support Programme (NIISP), and coordinated by the the Resilient Africa Network.

For more details about Digital Agro-Value Chain, visit the project website at:

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